Spring is a great time for spring cleaning, we always think of spring cleaning our house, but what about our skin and hair.
Spring brings rain and frizzy hair after a long winter with heaters and blow dryers. Keratin treatments and smoothing treatments are a way to save your hair from blow dryers and flat irons. It also exfoliate the old grime from your hair and scalp, seals the cuticle and follicles, nourishes each strand after a long winter. Dries in half the time, and styles with half the heat and half the time, a great way to get your hair ready for summer. Using UV and heat smoothing treatments like , Daily smoothing cream by Keratherapy will prevent any damage, and prolong your keratin treatment.
Spring cleaning your face is another great way to get ready for spring and summer. SoJi Health has amazing Hemp CBD facial cleaners, intense eye Cream and moisture with UV protectants that i just started using and is amazing. I love the feeling, I use a exfoliated spin brush and SOJI Health Jade Roller for circulation and build new collagen. Amazing anti-aging. After 2 years wearing a mask my face so needed it.
Don't forget the rest of your skin, SoJi Health Facial Cleaner is great for the skin any where, combine with there Hemp Cbd body moisturizer any your set. I use my spin facial cleaner with it for my body as well. A great way to exfoliate, to replenish, and moisturize.
Stay tuned, more exciting products have been added.
check out my Salon catalog and Salon at www.MichellesLuxuryHairAndSkinCare.com
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